Friday, 17 January 2014

Day 4- Still not the full shilling

Thur 16th

Awake a lot of last night with painful bloating. Got up and went for 30 min spinning class and felt better for a while. 

Breakfast was labeled as "apricot and date granola" but I didn't see too many apricots or dates. Was almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, some raisins, dark choc drops served with coconut milk. I was looking forward to this as i love a bowl of museli in the morning but the coconut milk didn't do it for me and I didn't really enjoy it. Feel terribly bloated now this morning, but two chicken breasts and a hunk of pork in one day will do that to you- especially when i havent really eaten that much meat at all before starting this.  I take it back re the apricots and prunes- I see them in the picture, I just dont remember eating them!

Lunch-smoked salmon and beetroot salad with almonds and celery.  Was tasty. Glad not to have so much heavy meat today as my tummy is still not right, though it did get better throughout the day. Did get hungry this afternoon though. Had to have an apple and when was in town, I was starving. Couldn't think what snack I could buy as already had an apple in the afternoon. Ate a packet of raspberries when in tesco looking for new herbal teas. 

Dinner- pork and leek sausage with turnip,carrot mash and cabbage and thyme jus. Very tasty. And def full after although still miss something sweet afterwards, or even a cup of tea. Have just bought my almond milk and decaf tea so going to try that. Had two celery sticks with babaganoush when waiting for dinner. 

Was going for my tea and see that the first two ingredients in the almond milk are 1. Water, 2. Sugar., 3. Almond, salt. Not sure the sugar and salt are on my to do list! So put it back and had it with left over coconut milk from breakfast. It's disgusting. Can't finish it!  Researched how to make my own almond milk. Seems fairly straight forward, I just need some sort of strainer for it. Must research during the weekend. 


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